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Where The F@!K Are You?

by Tony · 1 comment

You might not say it to our faces… but we still know you’re saying it!
Say It To My Face

If you follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, SwingingTravelers.com, or any of the other social sites we are on, then you might be wondering where we are based off of all the highway pictures.

While we still might be sharing stories from our Around The World trip last year on our site, we are actually in the middle of a road trip across the US.

Stories from the road are definitely to come, but as I’m sure you’ve noticed, we don’t tend to share our stories in a chronological fashion.

We share in a more “batshit crazy, borderline schizophrenic, whatever damn way we want” fashion.

So in case you were curious of our pics of state highway signs… Yes, we are currently in the middle of a cross country road trip that finds us in Chicago this week and Minneapolis the next with multi- 10-hr drives coming over the horizon.


What You Might Have Missed

Meg had her article from last month, 50 Ways To Be Awesome, blow up and generate a great comment thread (nearing 100 comments). We love to see how much her message has resonated with everyone!

In return for the tremendous response from you, we wanted to give away a small ebook using some of your favorite quotes from her list in combination with some of the  more interesting pictures in our year of travel. Check out a slideshow of the ebook below:

If you want an instant download of the ebook, sign up below:

What You Need To Know About Google Reader & Your RSS Feed

If you’re reading this from our website and don’t subscribe to our RSS Feed (or already get our articles by email), then this message isn’t for you. But the real question is, why the heck aren’t you subscribed to our updates?

If you do subscribe by RSS, you should know that Google Reader is being discontinued in July. :(

What this means to you: If you want to keep getting all of your favorite blog posts by RSS, then check out these tutorials on migrating to a different reader.

Even better?

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There are rumors of Feedburner (the most common RSS subscription service) being cancelled soon, so if you don’t want to be left behind, email might be your best bet. Just enter your email address below and get ready to have your world rocked by consistently ridiculous content (8-10 articles per month).

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If getting every article by email might cause you “LandingStanding overload” (and it might unless you gave birth to us), then consider signing up for our monthly newsletter where we send you great content from us and from around the web. Just enter your email address below:

And if you  have a website of your own, you might want to share this info with your readers as well. Knowledge is power, people!

Until next time, stay sexy…

Wear underwear for any occasion

About Tony
Quit his job to try actually following his dreams for once... and is currently loving it. He is working hard to to make this life-style permanent by writing about his adventures and brainstorming money making opportunities with his partner-in-crime, Meg.

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