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Travel Advice

Tony recently wrote a how-to article on what to do when you become “travel sick”, which is what happens when you get sick of travelling. But what to do when you actually get sick while travelling? Now in all fairness, I am not a doctor. But I have been sick with bronchitis and  E. coli while […]

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First… what is travel sick? The younger sibling of road weary and a first cousin to home sick, travel sick is what happens to everyone after a few months on the road. The initial excitement and momentum that propelled you out of the house initially gets blunted by the day-to-day necessities of travel: Another overnight […]

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“Don’t worry about how much it costs to live in Western Europe. Air travel is so cheap and easy!” How many naive backpackers have uttered this phrase? Have you? I sure did. But then you actually go ahead, book that “cheap flight” for the first time on Ryanair, and see it isn’t quite so easy. […]

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Considering that Tony and I are travelling with 32 liter backpacks for our year-long trip around the world, I would say that we did a pretty AWESOME job packing. However, there were several things that I didn’t think I would need for our travels… Until I got on the road.  These items below have been […]

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Talking about differences in gender is always problematic. It is not just the differences between men and women only. Talking about any group in general terms is problematic. Nobody is an exact composite of a group and there are always outliers. Plus, my advice will not necessarily correlate to just any woman. But from my personal experience […]

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